Sunday 9 February 2014

Show me your shoes darling

Hello stars

I like to show my shoes (also when I'm not wearing them), so why not use them as room decoration? Maybe it would be weird to put some old and dirty wellies or some stinky Converse (not that I don't like Converse, they are actually one of my favorites) on the bookshelf. But when you have some shoes you are not wearing in the moment (maybe because you live in a country when the winter is snowy or rainy, and you can't wear your new flats/loafers because it's too cold and you have a mom that sometimes is a little annoying and says that the only shoe you can wear is your black winter boots) you can as well use them to something different.

My mom say it's weird, but I love the idea and I've also have a lot of magazines and not enough magazine holders, so... just put your shoes on top of the magazines and... now you have some fashion in your room.

Btw I have winter holidays in the moment, and I am going to visit my grandma soon...super exciting(not). But I'm going to write something about room inspiration(again). I will try before wednesday, but I don't know if I have enough time.


Alexa, the weird shoe lady


  1. Lovely loafers! & you are quite creative. I will have to steal your idea of using shoes as decor! They are artful pieces, now that I come to think of it! lol. Looking forward to your future posts!

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer’s blog in development.

    1. Thank you Carsla <3
      I am so happy that you liked the idea!
      Btw I love your blog!
      Xoxo Alexa
