Friday 4 April 2014

A little summer Hollywood DIY ☼

Hello stars

Summer is almost here and and I have not really made any DIY's since the the begining of March so I thought that it was time for a little DIY. And what has more to do with summer than a pair of sunglasses? Maybe you know it already, but I'm obsessed about glitter! Glitter is my life (especially gold), so of course I would like to put glitter on my sunnies - to give them a more Hollywood-like look, and to make them look more vivid (or something). I know that black is black and it's classic and always fashionable, but to my it's maybe a little to... boring. So I transformed my glasses and gave them a little person twist, and I love it.

First to the materials:
You'll need some sunnies, glue, a little paint brush, painting tape and of course GLITTER

 1. Put some masking tape on your sunglasses (of course not on the frame)

2. Take your brush and gently put some glue on the frame so that everything is covered (but only the upper part of the frame)

3. Now to the fun part: Sprinkle some glitter on so that the top part of the frame is completely covered.

4. Now gently tap your sunglasses so the remaining glitter comes off. After that, remove the masking tape. 
Let your sunglasses dry for about 1 hour or just during the night.

5. Now you can cover it with Mod podge if you want (I will personally recommend it). If you don't have Mod podge in your country don't worry, you can do it yourself. Just mix 1 spoon of glue with 2 spoons of water, and tadaa... now you have some Mod podge!

I actually use some sunglasses I've purchased in H&M last year (they were on sale, woop woop!) and I just love them so much more now! But hope you like it and enjoy it!


Alexa, the Hollywood queen

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