Monday 21 April 2014

Monday in my shoes ღ

Hello stars

Today was the last day of my Easter/spring break, and I will be starting school again tomorrow. Jubii! Not that I don't like holidays, but it can be a little boring sometimes. So I'm happy to start school again, and meet my friends and teachers (not).
But the thing that I'm trying to say is, that this is a kind of Wake up with me/a day in my life - post. Just with shoes. I simply took a picture every time I change my shoes. And I'm actually surprised how many times I change my shoes during the day.
Let's just hop into it (like a Easter rabbit):

I woke up around 9:00 AM, and took my super comfy slippers on with some knee socks - it's my favorite
morning feet outfit. After that I eat breakfast with my "wonderful" family.

Then I got dressed and we went to the church. I wore a little black dress with a grey sweater, and my lovely

After we got home from the church I change to my workout clothes, and went running with my mom in the forest. Oh it was so hard!

At home I took a shower and change to my normal clothes again. This time I took my cozy B&W socks on, and watch some YouTube videos, and drink some hot chocolate mmm....

After we eat dinner, I change to some comfy jeans and my favorite pink converse. Then I went for a walk with my mom and grandma.

After we got home I change to my pajama, took my ballet shoes on and start stretching and practicing ballet.
As I said, I start school tomorrow, so I think I go to bed now. Good night (or morning, or evening)!


Alexa, the wannabe runner